The Athena Center of Chicago has been organized to encourage you to explore the nexus between mind, body and spirit. We welcome all seekers.
To the Greeks, who named their city of Athens after her, she was goddess of wisdom, healing, and the creative arts. She was a warrior when necessary, in defense of her city and its inhabitants. In Greek myth, it was Athena who invented the arts of spinning and weaving; Athena who brought the olive tree, with its valuable oil, to her children; Athena who established the trial by jury. She was one of the great goddesses of ancient times, one whose gifts we still enjoy today. Athena Center brings these ancient gifts of healing, arts and wisdom to you today. Join us for a class, seminar or workshop this season!
Every Saturday during center hours (11 am - 6 pm), Athena now offers psychic and spiritual counseling. Tarot, astorlogy and other psychic and intuitive skills are employed by our reader/counselors. Please call for an appointment or drop in for a reading. We also offer dream interpretation and career guidance, with trained therapists, by appointment as well. Move to the next stage of your development with the aid of Athena's counsellors.
The beginning of the year is always a good time to manifest changes in your life and lifestyle. To help you get ideas on how to make 1998 a healthy and harmonious year, Athena offers a potpourri of bodywork options (reiki, chair massage, etc) as well as mini-readings (astrology, auras, tarot, and more). Refreshments are served, and Athena faculty are on hand to answer questions about holistic health and spirituality. Bring your friends and make it a day of transformation!
Sun, January 11, 1-6 pm; Free admission; $10/reading or treatment
Sun, March 8, 1-6 pm; Free admission; $10/reading or treatment
Are you (or do you know) a girl in grades three through six who is interested in meditation, nature studies, crafts, mythology? Our new club is named for the Greek goddess who protects girls, and it offers a chance to learn and have fun!
Sundays, Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 5, 2-3:30 pm; Dues: $5/meeting